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For the project I picked the eco-house.I picked this project because it was a challanging project.I t was challenging because we had to make a blue print and actually make 3D model.We also had to make a green house write up andhave the green math.The green math was we had to calculate the area of the rooms.Also because building houses teaches you a lot of things about architecture and mth.The math would be area,surface area,and square feet.You also learn about sacling.You learn about this by making a blueprint.Our's was 1 inch equals 5 feet.
This project shows my achievment because I put a lot of time and hard work into it.I also took it home and built the whole house.That shows my achievment by doig what I have to do to get the eco-house done.It also shows my achievment because we put a lot of effort into it. I overall really liked this project because you got to build and create a house of the style you like.I also really liked it beacause you learned many things about realistic scaling and blueprints.
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